Welcome to the Y.O.U. Corner
Y.O.U. is a safe place for teens to feel at home. It’s an environment full of trust, love, and family. We are accepting and understanding of all people and ideas. As we grow toward adulthood, we explore our spirituality and self-expression to help us become our true selves.
The Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) welcomes all teens looking for a safe space to explore identity and belief. While based in Unity, YOU celebrates diverse worldviews and encourages belonging and inclusion. Each week, teen members lead lessons on topics such as acceptance, mental health, self-esteem, meditation, and spirituality. We live our truth by going out into the community to serve others.
Are you looking for a group of teens that truly cares about who you are and wants to make a difference in the world? Do you seek a safe space to explore your identities and beliefs? Is leadership your thing? Are you between the ages of 14 and 18 or currently in high school? Then join us:
11:15 AM – 12:30 PM Sundays
Unity North Atlanta
We often meet outside when the weather permits. Meeting in the Connections Room (YOU Room or Room 7) when the weather does not permit.
Contact Susan below for more information.
Y.O.U. Events
• Fall Rally (Weekend, GA in Nov.)
• Spring Retreat (Weekend, FL in Mar.)
• Summer Connection (Week, NC in June)
• International YOU (Week, MO in July)
Additional events include leadership retreat, lock ins, social outings, service projects, and fundraisers.
What is a Rally?
Rallies are deeply moving spiritual retreats that happen three times a year. These retreats are planned and facilitated by a team of two Regional Representatives, or Regis, who are elected every year at Spring Rally. These two teens work together to plan thought provoking and challenging material that encourages participants to open themselves to the Divine and live their Truth through prayer, meditation, and spiritual exploration.
Fall and Spring Rallies are over a long weekend, while Summer Connection is six days. Other similar opportunities include Leadership Retreat, International Youth of Unity – held at Unity Village, and the annual Zone Lock-In mini-retreat.
For more information contact Susan Clancy below.

How to Find Us Sunday Mornings:
The Connections Room is located on the lower level of the main building, near the Peace Chapel. When entering the main building from the lower level (the playground door), immediately turn right, turn right again, and turn right one more time following the signs to the Connections Room. When entering the main building from the upper level, use the stairwell on the right-hand side to go downstairs. Follow the hallway until you come to another doorway. Walkthrough the doorway. Turn right and the Connections Room is the first room on the right.
Y.O.U. in Action

Y.O.U. Sponsors

Susan Clancy
Y.O.U. Coordinator