Do you or someone in your life need the comfort of a prayer shawl?
Are you interested in joining this fun and loving ministry?
To request a shawl or for more information, we encourage you to drop in on any of our meetings. We always have a selection of shawls available, and we enjoy visiting with you. Upon request, we can also meet with you after the second service any Sunday.
What is a Prayer Shawl?
A hand crafted shawl, lap robe, or blanket that is a source of physical and spiritual comfort.
Each shawl is created with love and infused with prayers while it is being made. A shawl is a tangible expression of the love and healing power of the universe.
Who receives a Prayer Shawl?
- A man, woman, or child who is grieving, facing a serious health challenge, or experiencing significant change or challenge in their life.
- One who is celebrating a joyous, inspirational life event.
- Anyone, anywhere who needs a tangible reminder of God’s love and care.
- Shawls have gone to individuals in many countries.
How is a Prayer Shawl created?
Prayer Shawls are created by knitters, crocheters, and hand-weavers who infuse their work with prayer. Through a spiritual practice, each prayer shawl embodies positive energy for each recipient. Our meetings begin and end with prayer, and a positive, loving space is held while we work and visit with each other.
Prayer Shawls are created by knitters, crocheters, and hand-weavers who infuse their work with prayer. Through a spiritual practice, each prayer shawl embodies positive energy for each recipient. Our meetings begin and end with prayer, and a positive, loving space is held while we work and visit with each other.
Where are Prayer Shawls made?
- We meet and work together in the Joy Room (Room 4).
- We also work on the shawls at home, or wherever each stitcher cares to work.
When does the Prayer Shawl Ministry meet?
- Each Sunday morning between services, from 10:00 to 11:00 am.
- On the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Why do we make the shawls?
We make the shawls to serve those in our community and beyond. As we serve, we also receive many blessings. We love and support each other and experience joy in presenting shawls to any who may benefit from them.
We make the shawls to serve those in our community and beyond. As we serve, we also receive many blessings. We love and support each other and experience joy in presenting shawls to any who may benefit from them.
For more information or to request a shawl, contact a member of our team, Barbara Howard, Norma Chatfield, or Beverly Epps.
Shawls are given freely, and are not sold, although love offerings toward the cost of supplies are always gratefully accepted.