Affirmative prayer is a powerful and transformative method of prayer that helps individuals connect with the Divine and co-create their desired reality. We will delve into the principles and practice of affirmative prayer from a Unity perspective.


Unity teachings draw from a variety of spiritual traditions and emphasize the power of individuals to co-create their reality through their thoughts and beliefs. Affirmative prayer is one of the primary practices in Unity churches and is seen as a way to align oneself with Divine principles and experience a higher level of consciousness.


At the heart of affirmative prayer is the understanding that everything in the universe is interconnected and that we are all constantly in contact with the Divine. Instead of viewing God as a separate being, Unity teaches that God is within us, expressing itself through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Therefore, affirmative prayer is not about petitioning an external deity but rather about aligning our consciousness with divine principles and affirming our inherent worthiness to receive our desired outcomes.


Five-step Process of Affirmative Prayer

The practice of affirmative prayer follows a specific structure known as the five-step process, which helps individuals establish a deep connection with the divine and bring their desires into manifestation.


  1. Recognition

The first step is recognition, where we acknowledge the presence of the Divine within ourselves and as the source of all that is. This step is about opening up to the love, wisdom, and power that is always available to us.


  1. Realization

The second step is realization, where we recognize our oneness with the divine and affirm our inherent worthiness to receive our desires. Unity teaches that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that we are meant to live a life of abundance, joy, and purpose. Through realization, we shift our consciousness from lack and limitation to one of abundance and possibility.


  1. Unification

The third step is unification, where we affirm the desired outcome as already being present and available in our lives. This step involves using affirmative statements to imprint our subconscious mind with the belief that our desired outcome is already a reality. For example, instead of praying for healing, we would affirm, “I am now whole, healed, and well in body, mind, and spirit.”


  1. Gratitude

The fourth step is gratitude, where we express deep gratitude for the realization of our desired outcome even before it has physically manifested. Gratitude is a powerful energy that opens up the flow of blessings into our lives. By expressing gratitude for what we desire, we align ourselves with the energy of abundance and attract more of those blessings into our experience.


  1. Release

The final step is release, where we let go of any attachment to the outcome and surrender it to the Divine wisdom. Unity teaches that once we have planted the seed of our desire through affirmative prayer, it is important to release any doubts or fears and trust that the divine is working behind the scenes to bring our desires into manifestation. This step requires faith, surrender, and patience.


In addition to the five-step process, Unity emphasizes the importance of daily spiritual practices such as meditation, affirmations, and visualization to strengthen our connection with the divine and reinforce our desired outcomes. These practices help to align our thoughts and beliefs with our desires, which in turn creates a fertile ground for manifestation.


Affirmative prayer is not just a one-time event but a way of life for Unity students. By integrating this practice into their daily lives, individuals can develop a deeper connection with the Divine and experience a sense of inner peace, empowerment, and purpose. Affirmative prayer is often used to manifest specific desires, such as healing, financial abundance, or harmonious relationships, but its true power lies in the transformation it brings to the practitioner.